Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pavlovian Effect

I made better time today for the complete lap. 19 mins 5 secs :D After 3 days lapse, I didn't expect too much of myself this morning. But dangling an imaginary target in front of me really did help. Human being are reward-oriented organisms after all..Lol!!

It has been fabulous raqs sharqi weekend for me. Attended a workshop conducted by Sandra, a professional middle eastern dancer from San Francisco. Learned so many new techniques. And she introduced a lot of other elements like flamenco, jazz and classical persian that could work in a performance. Sandra's appreciation and understanding of the art is very inspiring. And I am so in love with classical persian hand movements... beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

hey! Bila nak datang lab nih???
Bosan nih, S.E. pun xde. Work, work, work!!!
p.s.: Prof Abu came..

Murni M said...

Mana promosi ungu?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

kalo dah liat ungu bisa histeris pingsan 7 kali dalam 1 jam ( emang cewe orgasme aja bisa ber-kali2!)

Murni M said...

over la plak

Anonymous said...

gue suka ama Pasha ngelihat style dia di atas panggung, baik tu bajunya atau celananya, pokoknya penampilannya tu keren abiezzz...

Murni M said...

kecoh laa Rikki Selsatria Decemberino/ desemberputro nih