Saturday, March 29, 2008


These are some snaps from my recent escapade:

This flower is actually really, really tiny. Approximately 0.5 cm wide. At a glance, it looks like blue dots among the greens.

Cactus at Cactus Point. I went a little bit crazy here and brought home 11 different types.

From the deck of the Tea Shop at Sg Palas Boh Tea Plantation

From behind the bush.

A type of succulent tree at Cactus Point


This is another tiny beauty. This picture is at least 10 times it's original size.

This is what a schlumbergera looks like.



Anonymous said...

warghhhhh!!! tak tunggu!!! :'(

can we go somewhere else together? :o)

Murni M said...

We totally should!!

Jom gi east coast islands? April and May a bit packed for me, but I think I can slot some time in May. :D If u r still here by than laa, that is..